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Running tests in parallel

cleantest has the ability to run test environment instances in parallel to increase the efficiency of test runs. You can define the number of threads to use when running test environment instances in parallel as either arguments to the test environment provider, or you can pass the number of threads to use when the test run is started using the CLEANTEST_NUM_THREADS environment variable:


This is the flow that cleantest follows when parallel testing is enabled for a testlet. Rather than proceeding through each image sequentially to bring up a test environment instance and inject the testlet, each instance is brought up independently in a separate thread and the testlet is injected there. cleantest blocks until all threads have completed.

    start : @testenvprovider(name="test", image=["jammy-amd64", "focal-amd64", "bionic-amd64"])
    instances : ["test-jammy-amd64", "test-focal-amd64", "test-bionic-amd64"]
    jammy : test-jammy-amd64
    focal : test-focal-amd64
    bionic : test-bionic-amd64

    [*] --> start: Test run is started
    start --> instances: cleantest identifies instances to be created
    instances --> jammy: Thread #1
    instances --> focal: Thread #2
    instances --> bionic: Thread #3
    jammy --> Results: Result of testlet
    focal --> Results: Result of testlet
    bionic --> Results: Result of testlet
    Results --> Evaluation: Result from each instance is evaluated on local system
    Evaluation --> [*]

cleantest's built-in parallel testing support is best suited for spread testing; you have a testlet that you need to test across different types of test environment instances. For testing multiple testlets in parallel, you need to use one of Python's many parallel computing libraries, or third-party tool such as xargs or GNU parallel.



#!/usr/bin/env python3

"""Parallel testing example using LXD as test environment provider."""

from cleantest.control import Configure
from cleantest.control.hooks import StartEnvHook
from import Pip
from cleantest.provider import lxd

    image=["ubuntu-jammy-amd64", "ubuntu-focal-amd64", "ubuntu-bionic-amd64"],
def install_tabulate():
    import sys

        from tabulate import tabulate

        print("tabulate is installed.", file=sys.stdout)
    except ImportError:
        print("Failed to import tabulate package.", file=sys.stderr)


def test_parallel_lxd(clean_slate) -> None:
    config = Configure("lxd")
    start_hook = StartEnvHook(name="pip_injection", packages=[Pip(packages="tabulate")])
    for name, result in install_tabulate():
            assert result.exit_code == 0
        except AssertionError:
            raise Exception(f"{name} failed. Result: {result}")