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Install cleantest

The latest stable release of cleantest can be installed using pip:

pip install cleantest

You can also install the latest, bleeding-edge, and potentially unstable development branch from GitHub using the following commands:

git clone
cd cleantest
python3 -m pip install .

Before you can start writing tests using cleantest, you must also set up a test environment provider.

Setting up testing environment providers

You can use the following instructions to set up a supported test environment provider of your choice to be used with cleantest. Note that you do not need to install every testing environment provider listed below; you only need to install the providers you wish to use for testing.

About supported test environment providers

LXD is currently the only supported test environment provider. For the best experience, I encourage you to use LXD on Ubuntu. You can connect to the LXD server from other machines such as Mac, Windows, and Linux* using the LXC client. How to set up the LXC client on Mac and Windows is beyond the scope of this documentation for now. I only currently have the means to use Ubuntu (and it is my favorite distro; sorry Arch/Fedora.)

I have plans to add more test environment provides (ssh, libvirt/kvm, vagrant, etc.) in the future, but for now I am focused on LXD.


To use LXD as a test environment provider with cleantest, you will need to have the snap package manager and snapd service installed on your host system. Once you have snapd and the snap package manager on your host system, use the following command to install LXD:

sudo snap install lxd

After LXD has finished installing on the host system, use the following command to initialize a basic LXD cluster:

lxd init --auto

Once the LXD cluster finishes initializing, you can now use LXD as a test environment provider with cleantest.