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Getting started with cleantest

Now that you have the cleantest framework installed on your system, let's get you introduced to writing some basic tests. This example assumes that you have LXD installed and configured, and cleantest is installed correctly on your system. If not, please revisit the installation documentation.

Also, you will need to have pytest installed on your system as well. You can install it using the following command:

pip install pytest

Some background

The goal of the cleantest framework is to provide an easy way to bring up clean testing environments without a hassle. A "clean test" is a test written with cleantest that can drop on top of a pre-existing testing framework such as pytest or unittest. These "clean tests" can be broken down into three parts:

  1. Configuration statements
  2. A collection of Testlets
  3. One or more Test Suites

Configuration statements control the state and flow of cleantest, testlets are the tests to be run in the testing environment, and the test suites define the order in which the testlets are executed.

Defining a testlet

A testlet is essentially an entire Python script encapsulated in a function; it contains all the imports, definitions, and logic a program needs to run. Here is an example of a testlet below:

from cleantest.provider import lxd

def do_something():
    import sys

        import urllib
    except ImportError:

An important thing to note about testlets is that they are not run in the same Python interpreter as the test suite. The testlets are actually picked up by the interpreter and run somewhere else, and a Result object is returned containing an exit code, stdout, and stderr. Therefore, you should always import the Python modules and assets you need within the body of the testlet, not in the main test files.

Writing a test suite

To evaluate the results of a testlet, you need a test suite. This part should be invoked by your testing framework of choice. In our case, we used pytest:

class TestSuite:
    def test_do_something(self) -> None:
        for name, result in do_something():
            assert result.exit_code == 0

The test suite should be focused solely on launching testlets and evaluating the results. You should never define testlets inside a test suite. They should always be a top-level, globally accessible function.

Bringing it all together

To bring it all together, combine the testlet and test suite combined into a single Python file:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

"""A basic test."""

from cleantest.provider import lxd

def do_something():
    import sys

        import urllib
    except ImportError:

class TestSuite:
    def test_do_something(self) -> None:
        for name, result in do_something():
            assert result.exit_code == 0

Now use pytest to run the test:


You should see the following output from your test:

=========== test session starts ===========
platform linux -- Python 3.10.4, pytest-7.1.3, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: /mnt/d/scratch
collected 1 item                                                                                                                                                                                           .                                                                                                                                                                                             [100%]

=========== 1 passed in 8.95s ===========

Congrats, you have written your first clean test!

Next steps

Now that you have taken your first introductory steps with cleantest, you should now go through the rest of the documentation and examples to learn about all the things that you can do with cleantest! Of course, learning through trial and error also works.