Welcome to NucciTheBoss's HPC workshop!

If you are here for the workshop The open-source software behind High-Performance Computing, then you are in the right place! I am excited to give you an introduction to the open-source software that powers HPC on Ubuntu at the 2022 Ubuntu Summit in Prague.


While this workshop is set at the intermediate level, this workshop provides a beginner-friendly introduction to the open-source software behind HPC on Ubuntu. The reason this workshop is set to intermediate the level is because I expect you to be very comfortable working from the terminal on Ubuntu. If you are not familiar with executing complex bash commands, editing files, and/or managing multiple sessions from the terminal, then you may struggle with this workshop. I will be focusing on teaching folks how to build a pseudo-HPC cluster, not how to copy and paste text from the terminal. However, I was once a beginner too, so I will not be mean and stupid by leaving you in the dust. If you do not know how to do something and we have extra time, please call me over.

I expect that you have a decent CPU, at least 4 cores, and at least 8 GB of RAM in your machine. You might be able to get away with lower specs, but things may take longer to "finish." If your machine is struggling to keep up, try pairing with another individual and working together with them. I respect potatoes with a CPU, but there are just some things that they are not very good at...

Now let us get on with the show!